World Time Clock Converter Desktop Free Download
Or put just a single clock (for the local time) on the desktop and show all the others when you click it!Multi Timer - unlimited, accurate Timers for your Desktop - in a common window or free floating and resizable, with logging function and Excel exportAs many Timers as you need in Stopwatch, Count-Down or Alarm Clock mode, combined or free floating at your DesktopDo you need more than one or two stopwatches, timers or alarm clocks for your work or for a special task at home or at the university, school, factory or office? Is it important for you to measure and log the exact time of multiple events or jobs? What about 10 or even 100, all with scientific accuracy, even throughout long time spans and interrupted use? Try Multi Timer, a program that will please and surprise you and join hundreds of professional and private users all over the world!This multiple timer program offers an unlimited number of timers in one window or floating on your desktop. HERE
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Jumbo Timer - single resizable Timers on your Desktop - True Type Fonts or LED/LCD StyleTimers can run in Stopwatch-, Countdown- or Alarmclock Mode.. List view on the bottom of the main window to control timers, single or as a group.. To see the program live on your desktop you have to download the world clock program.. The timer list can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet Play any sound file or speak timer title on alarm.. Many cool functions are adding value to the program: Chime (church bell / grandfather's clock) or Spoken Time, Time Zone Calculator / Time Zone Converter with intuitive Meeting Planner, Multiple Alarms, Month Calendar, Weather Report and more. 3
A huge city database with over 23,000 cities and the correct Daylight Saving rules for all locations are implemented. e10c415e6f
Pause and resume, auto-resume on startup and optional "run while program is inactive" mode.. Put Sharp World Clock on your Windows Desktop and see what time it is in any part of the world or any city and time zone, at a glance. HERE